Friday, January 9, 2009


I don't think there was a more memorable band name I heard in 2008 than this band, Natalie Portman's Shaved Head from Seattle, WA.

I first hung out with them before and after their show in Cleveland. Their mix of youthful enthusiam and colorful stage outfits put a smile on my face the entire show. They totally won over the crowd with their amazing tracks from the album Glistening Pleasure. They have been featured in tons of magazines in '08 including a great picture in SPIN.

I had a chance to talk to Luke and here's what he had to say:

1. What did you do for New Year's Eve?

I went to a friend's party with the rest of the band. The friend's apartment is on a really high floor of this building and we had a great view of the Space Needle as it was blowing off fireworks at midnight. Everyone was kissing and it was great.

2. Who were some of the most interesting people you met in 2008?

Oh man, there are so many interesting people. One would definitely have to be our manager who we met in 2008. He never fails to have an insane story from his life in the business. You name someone, and he probably knows them. There's also been plenty of interesting gas station attendants and security guards along the road.

3. So are you tired of playing songs from your album yet? Are you ready for new material?

I'm still really enjoying playing the songs from Glistening Pleasure every night. They're fun songs to play! I just try to play them better and better each night with more extreme dance moves so it stays fun. And playing to different audiences always makes it interesting. But we are definitely ready for new material, which we are working on now. It's early, but sounding awesome!

4. What were some of your favorite albums this year?

Some of my favs would be albums by CSS, MGMT, Rivers Cuomo, Friendly Fires, Ladyhawke, She & Him, The Kills, Of Montreal, and others. I made a top ten list for KEXP which you can read here: http://blog.%20kexp.%20org/blog/2009/01/02/northwest-artists-pick-their-best-of-2008/

Thanks Luke! Here's to a great 2009 for you guys!

natalie portmans shaved head Pictures, Images and Photos

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