Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I think everyone has dreams and goals in life. I personally would love to start a label and snatch up all the great Cleveland bands and make a million dollars off their talents...but alas it is a dream. I had a chance to catch up with Drew Sowa. He not only had a dream like mine but he put his money where his mouth is and is doing well as a new label owner of Concealed Records in Seattle, WA.
Here's what Drew had to say...

1. A lot of people have fantasies about starting their own record label, but never really pursue it. How did you reach a point where you stopped thinking about having a label and started really doing it?

My desire to get free tshirts and never have to pay to see bands live motivated me as well as the opportunity for free PBR's in the green room of dirty rock clubs. I've also always wanted to contract hepatitis C from a live music venue. Thats just so rock n roll.

Seriously though, Music is an expression of Life. Music is something that all people hold dearly one way or another- some sort of emotional attachment.

I've always felt my life was powered by a soundtrack and I really got sick of all the trash on the radio. Thus the "concept" of concealed was born, trying to bring up music that might otherwise be "concealed" from the public, GREAT PASSIONATE REAL music.

Life choices man, thats where its at. You have to decide if you want to be a corporate drone, or live on cheap beer and bar food and beans.

2. Your label features the band Antique Scream, how did you get together with this band? What did you see in them that really made you believe in them?

Passion. They are a band that plays every gig like its their last. I recall reading an article about Iggy Pop from the 70's that said every show was like a volatile tornado causing havoc upon the senses... .

My first time live seeing Antique Scream, I knew they too had this passion; They have dropped their "fake" or "work" lives to make it as musicians and thats something we identified with.

We booked a bill for them in Seattle and they happened to be on that bill in town on tour and the rest is history... Blown away by their live performance.

3. What have been some of the highlights of running your label?

-Spending a lot of time seeing live music
-Evaluating lots of amazing original music
-Beer battered fried onion rings
-Not sleeping

4. What are some of the challenges that you didn't expect?

The current trend of musicians with beards and the fact that I can't grow a decent one to start. Additionally, having to do multiple roles within an organization that has quixotic hours. I can be up till 5 am and then at a meeting at 8 am the next day depending.

The concept of keeping my personal life and private life separate. I am a music fan first and foremost and it is difficult at times to talk business... as we say,

its not Show "friends," its Show "business."

Still, I refuse to be corporate, its our label mantra, kicking ass for the music class. We keep it real.

5. Do you have any advise for people that dream of getting involved in the entertainment industry but don't know how to start?

It's brutal, its evil and everyone is out to hustle you. Regardless, find what you love- whether thats musical theater or grindcore and go with your niche. It's corporate and has no soul but the end product does- it has the soul, the beauty and passion that makes it all worthwhile. Don't keep your passion concealed. Life is too short, especially given the current state of our economic condition in this country. It could all be over tomorrow so do something interesting with yourself!

Future album art work...

1 comment:

  1. It's cool how you get to interview all these indie bands and people in the music industry! It would definitely be an awesome job, to own your own record label.
